Philips_mystery.- The A-52A
Delco RA-3 - 32 Volt Radio
Harkness Reflex
Magnavox Model A
Melco Supreme
Mullard MAS-24
Parmak 6 Volt Radio
Navy Arc Station - Monroe, NC
The project that never was...
1925 Quadraformer Circuit in plate glass cabinet project.
Eveready No. 770 'B' Battery - (1936/37 version.)
Battery cover artwork projects
Making 3D printed Parts for Kolster 6D
Restoration of 1926 Mercury Super 10
Restoration of 1928/29 AGA Model L-III
Build a braiding fixture to create replica battery power cables.
Solid State Audio Transformer Replacement that keeps original in place.
Restorations of all three Swedish Radiola M55 receivers of 1927-29 - The "housewife's radio"
Making Atwater Kent breadboard Buss Sleeving
Restoration of Zenith 3R (Late Version) circa 1924.
Making Reproduction Varnished Cambric Tubing for radios
Cleaning & Restoring Etched Brass Nameplates & Tags on vintage radio equipment.