These battery box artworks were made by me. You are free to use them for making your own replica batteries for historical exhibits.
However these images are my property and cannot be used for commercial purposes without my express permission.
Eveready #770 45 Volt 'B' Battery dated September 1937
This is from their first series of batteries to feature a power receptacle rather than Fahnstock clips or binding posts.
What you see here is a thumbnail image. Click on the Icon to download a high rez version (300 DPI) Image size is 25.5" x 12.5"
Inkjet print on 60/80 lb. paper. Laminate to regular white posterboard.
Eveready #486 45 Volt 'B' Battery dated June 1929. (Identical to first issue of 1925.)
This is from their first series of batteries to feature their flat cell 'Layerbilt" technology. Claimed the highest Watt/hour capacity for a given volume compared to typical round cell construction.)
What you see here is a thumbnail image. Click on the Icon to download a high rez version (600 DPI) Image size is 17" x 11"
The image is in two parts and should be laser printed on standard bond paper. The original art is printed this way and laminated to 1/16" card stock. Top edges wrapped over the edge like in cigar boxes.
I still need to post dimensions for the box. Send me an e-mail and I will add the info.
I still need to post dimensions for the box. Send me an e-mail and I will add the info.
Here are my 14 batteries... The only thing I did not make are the Fahnestock clips. The tops are molded in urethane resin and colored to match the red sealing wax used by Eveready. The clips have pigtail wires so that you can place a modern battery inside the box.