Wanted - 4" diameter spin to start electric clock like this.
Brand Unknown - It dates from 1932 and has a Pat. Pend. stamp on the back. I am sure that it is a stock design not specific to this radio.
At this point I am trying to locate this exact clock not just make something that fills the hole.
What does it go into? Back in 1932 a small manufacturer located in Newark, NJ named Radio Products Company built the smallest clock radio of the day... Very few were made before the company went belly-up in the Depression.
Alan Douglas did a great write-up in Radio Age for July 1990. This is a picture of his set. I have recently acquired one of the sets in fine shape except that the clock is gone... It is a rare radio that deserves to be made whole again... Can you help?
Please e-mail me at kd4hsh@carolina.rr.com