Here is my round battery scanner completed September 1, 2014. It scans 'C' & 'D' sized batteries up to about 8 1/4" long. (See next page for new scanner for #6 cells - 9/2015)
So if you have a rare battery you want scanned with very little possibility of damage, I can do it for you. It will only cost you actual shipping costs both ways. You will get a raw scan that you can use any way you like.
I reserve the right to use the images I provide to you in any way I want to do so. If I choose to make corrected images of scans, I will be happy to provide you with copies via e-mail at no charge.
These images are from the very first test scans made. They are 300 d.p.i. resolution.
The Eveready 964 battery is very lumpy from corrosion of the zinc. Still the image is good enough to use as a layer master template upon which new layers of text and graphics are accurately placed.